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B-101-E Pentateuch: A study of the first five books of the Bible in relation to Old Testament history, and God's eternal divine plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. Special attention will be given to the importance of covenantal relationships, election, and the foreshadowing of the person and work of Jesus in the Tabernacle and the Levitical offerings.
B-102-E Synoptic Gospels: An expository and historical study of the life of Christ as revealed in the Gospels. Jesus' life and teachings are analyzed and studied against the backdrop of the conÂtemporary human situation He lived.
B-103-E Romans: An expository, exegetical study of the book of Romans. Special attention is given to Paul's development of major theological themes and his application of them to the lives of believers.
MG-101-E Hermeneutics: A study of the rules of interpretation of the sacred text. The study of the Bible inductively including practical assignments and inductive method and the application of Biblical truth to the student's personal life and ministry.
T-101-E Systematic Theology 1: Theology - A general overview of theology including the revelation of God, His nature, His character and His works with emphasis on the Trinity. Christology-A study of the person of Jesus Christ including His pre-existence, His promise, His incarnation and ramifications, and His resurrection. Anthropology - A study of humanity as God's creation, human beings as sinners alienated from God by voluntary disobedience and as the objects of God's redeeming grace. Hamartiology - A discussion of sin, its origin, reality, extent, result and penalty.
B-102-E Synoptic Gospels: An expository and historical study of the life of Christ as revealed in the Gospels. Jesus' life and teachings are analyzed and studied against the backdrop of the conÂtemporary human situation He lived.
B-103-E Romans: An expository, exegetical study of the book of Romans. Special attention is given to Paul's development of major theological themes and his application of them to the lives of believers.
MG-101-E Hermeneutics: A study of the rules of interpretation of the sacred text. The study of the Bible inductively including practical assignments and inductive method and the application of Biblical truth to the student's personal life and ministry.
T-101-E Systematic Theology 1: Theology - A general overview of theology including the revelation of God, His nature, His character and His works with emphasis on the Trinity. Christology-A study of the person of Jesus Christ including His pre-existence, His promise, His incarnation and ramifications, and His resurrection. Anthropology - A study of humanity as God's creation, human beings as sinners alienated from God by voluntary disobedience and as the objects of God's redeeming grace. Hamartiology - A discussion of sin, its origin, reality, extent, result and penalty.
B-104-E General Epistles: A study of James, First and Second Peter, First, Second and Third John and Jude. Through analysis and exegesis, the teachings of this section of the New Testament are set forth with doctrinal interpretation and historical background.
B-105-E Bible Survey: A brief overview of the books of the Bible to help students understand the themes, unity and purpose of each book. The focus of study also includes the author and the distinguishing features of each book.
CE-101-E Christian Education: A comprehensive study of the underlying principles in the preparation of lessons, classroom procedures, including securing and holding the pupil's interest and attention, participation in the learning process, and the evaluation of teacher pupil and teaching situation.
GE-101-E English Composition: This is a course based on the principles of composition. The course involves the processes of collecting, evaluating and organizing materials and data, the writing of short articles (church bulletin), book report, and a formal term paper as well as a study of grammar mechanics and spelling.
DE-101-E Spirit-Filled Leadership 1: Spiritual Disciplines: A comprehensive study of the spiritual disciplines in the life of the leader and a practical exercise in the following: life of prayer, fasting, scripture, submission, hearing and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit.
B-105-E Bible Survey: A brief overview of the books of the Bible to help students understand the themes, unity and purpose of each book. The focus of study also includes the author and the distinguishing features of each book.
CE-101-E Christian Education: A comprehensive study of the underlying principles in the preparation of lessons, classroom procedures, including securing and holding the pupil's interest and attention, participation in the learning process, and the evaluation of teacher pupil and teaching situation.
GE-101-E English Composition: This is a course based on the principles of composition. The course involves the processes of collecting, evaluating and organizing materials and data, the writing of short articles (church bulletin), book report, and a formal term paper as well as a study of grammar mechanics and spelling.
DE-101-E Spirit-Filled Leadership 1: Spiritual Disciplines: A comprehensive study of the spiritual disciplines in the life of the leader and a practical exercise in the following: life of prayer, fasting, scripture, submission, hearing and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit.
T-201-E Systematic Theology 2: Pneumatology - This course covers the scriptural revelation of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Relevant subjects discussed include His deity, divine names, symbols, as well as His work in the physical universe in relation to Christ and in the hearts of believers. The Pentecostal perspective is upheld. The baptism, gifts and graces of the Spirit are emphasized as aspects of His continuing ministry in the Church today. Angelology - An examination of the scriptural teaching concerning the origin, nature, sphere, work and destiny of angels.
DE-201-E Spirit-Filled Leadership 2: Spiritual Gifts and Ministries: A study of (1) biblical spiritual gifts and ministries; (2) the personal development of these in the life of the believer; (3) and the practice and implementation of these gifts and ministries in the local church. In this study, the students will be exposed to materials that help in understanding the multiple functions and operations of each five-fold ministry and gifts; use rigorous assessment, worksheets and guides to help discover their own unique gifts and recognizing their effectiveness and strengths, enabling them to operate and become better equipped for the work of ministry.
B-201-E Pauline Epistles: An introductory and exegetical treatment of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, First and Second Timothy and Titus. The focus of this study is to provide the student with an overview of the setting, purpose and general content of these books. The great truths of doctrine are considered and strong emphasis is placed upon the working of these in the life of the believer, with attention given to their bearing upon present-day pastoral problems and the functions and development of the New Testament church.
GE-201-E Christian Family: A study of the biblical principles of family life with emphasis on the role of husband-wife and parent-child relationships within the home. Included will be a study of the developmental tasks and special needs of adults,communication, the role of the church to the home and the importance of the family unit in society.
GE-202-E Church Planting: A study of the church planting methods employed by the Foursquare Church.
DE-201-E Spirit-Filled Leadership 2: Spiritual Gifts and Ministries: A study of (1) biblical spiritual gifts and ministries; (2) the personal development of these in the life of the believer; (3) and the practice and implementation of these gifts and ministries in the local church. In this study, the students will be exposed to materials that help in understanding the multiple functions and operations of each five-fold ministry and gifts; use rigorous assessment, worksheets and guides to help discover their own unique gifts and recognizing their effectiveness and strengths, enabling them to operate and become better equipped for the work of ministry.
B-201-E Pauline Epistles: An introductory and exegetical treatment of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, First and Second Timothy and Titus. The focus of this study is to provide the student with an overview of the setting, purpose and general content of these books. The great truths of doctrine are considered and strong emphasis is placed upon the working of these in the life of the believer, with attention given to their bearing upon present-day pastoral problems and the functions and development of the New Testament church.
GE-201-E Christian Family: A study of the biblical principles of family life with emphasis on the role of husband-wife and parent-child relationships within the home. Included will be a study of the developmental tasks and special needs of adults,communication, the role of the church to the home and the importance of the family unit in society.
GE-202-E Church Planting: A study of the church planting methods employed by the Foursquare Church.
MG-201-E Foursquare Church Foundations: A study on the history of the Foursquare Church.
MG-204-E Administration of the Church: A study of the Biblical principles of administration and supervision in the context of the church today. Emphasis is placed upon the Christian leader and planning, both individually and corporately, and in working with people and the implementation of the ministry of the church.
MU-201-E Spirit-Filled Worship: A study of the theology of worship and the role of the worshiper, with a special emphasis on the Holy Spirit and worship.
B-202-E Acts: A consideration of the journeys of Paul and the development of the early churches with emphasis upon the principles which are applicable to our church life today. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is emphasized.
MG-202-E Preaching: Preparation, delivery and critique of sermons based on exposition of an extended passage of Scripture.
MG-204-E Administration of the Church: A study of the Biblical principles of administration and supervision in the context of the church today. Emphasis is placed upon the Christian leader and planning, both individually and corporately, and in working with people and the implementation of the ministry of the church.
MU-201-E Spirit-Filled Worship: A study of the theology of worship and the role of the worshiper, with a special emphasis on the Holy Spirit and worship.
B-202-E Acts: A consideration of the journeys of Paul and the development of the early churches with emphasis upon the principles which are applicable to our church life today. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is emphasized.
MG-202-E Preaching: Preparation, delivery and critique of sermons based on exposition of an extended passage of Scripture.
T-301-E Systematic Theology 3: Soteriology - The doctrine of salvation; its plan by the Godhead; its provision through the mediatorial work of Christ and application through the Holy Spirit. Ecclesiology - The doctrine detailing origin, nature and constitution of the Church; its local organization, ministry, ordinances, and destiny.
BL-302-E Introduction to Biblical Languages: The study of (1) the general principles of biblical interpretation; (2) the basic elements of Hebrew and Greek for developing simple words studies; and (3) the inductive Bible study method.
GE-301-E Christian Ethics: A study of the Christian basis for personal and public morality in the face of the situation motif seen in today's culture. Comparisons and contrasts with secular approaches are noted as the consistency of biblical ethics is emphasized, with the practical application of the principles in one's conduct.
MG-301-E Pastoral Counseling: An introduction to the principles of Bible-based, Holy Spirit led counseling. A study is made of human behavior both from the biblical viewpoint and in light of modern psychological theories. Special emphasis is placed on the student's own personality and potential as a Christian counselor operating in the dynamics of spiritual gifts.
MG-303-E Apologetics: An introductory study of Christian apologetics, which examines various ways of defending the Christian faith against contrary arguments, worldviews and philosophies.
BL-302-E Introduction to Biblical Languages: The study of (1) the general principles of biblical interpretation; (2) the basic elements of Hebrew and Greek for developing simple words studies; and (3) the inductive Bible study method.
GE-301-E Christian Ethics: A study of the Christian basis for personal and public morality in the face of the situation motif seen in today's culture. Comparisons and contrasts with secular approaches are noted as the consistency of biblical ethics is emphasized, with the practical application of the principles in one's conduct.
MG-301-E Pastoral Counseling: An introduction to the principles of Bible-based, Holy Spirit led counseling. A study is made of human behavior both from the biblical viewpoint and in light of modern psychological theories. Special emphasis is placed on the student's own personality and potential as a Christian counselor operating in the dynamics of spiritual gifts.
MG-303-E Apologetics: An introductory study of Christian apologetics, which examines various ways of defending the Christian faith against contrary arguments, worldviews and philosophies.
B-302-E Epistle to the Hebrews: An introduction to and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Hebrews with special emphasis on its Christological themes in the light of its Old Testament background.
B-304-E Prison Epistles: A general study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. The focus of this study is to provide the student with an overview of the setting, purpose and general content of these books. The great truths of doctrine are considered and strong emphasis is placed upon outÂworking of these in the life of the believer.
1L-302-E Introduction to Greek: The study of (1) the general principles of biblical interpretation; (2) the basic elements of Greek for developing simple word studies; and (3) the inductive Bible study method.
DE-301-E Leadership Development: A study of the biblical principles of leadership in context to the church today. Emphasis is placed upon the leader's development of personal and spiritual qualities and skills which will enable him/her to better equip believers for ministry in the local church bodies.
EV-301-E Evangelism / Discipleship: An introductory course in the field of missiology - the science of world mission. The biblical basis for worldwide evangelism, its historical development and current status are studied. It also includes an analysis of major trends and critical issues with an overview of Foursquare Missions International.
B-304-E Prison Epistles: A general study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. The focus of this study is to provide the student with an overview of the setting, purpose and general content of these books. The great truths of doctrine are considered and strong emphasis is placed upon outÂworking of these in the life of the believer.
1L-302-E Introduction to Greek: The study of (1) the general principles of biblical interpretation; (2) the basic elements of Greek for developing simple word studies; and (3) the inductive Bible study method.
DE-301-E Leadership Development: A study of the biblical principles of leadership in context to the church today. Emphasis is placed upon the leader's development of personal and spiritual qualities and skills which will enable him/her to better equip believers for ministry in the local church bodies.
EV-301-E Evangelism / Discipleship: An introductory course in the field of missiology - the science of world mission. The biblical basis for worldwide evangelism, its historical development and current status are studied. It also includes an analysis of major trends and critical issues with an overview of Foursquare Missions International.
Telephone: (213) 483-4497
Google Number: (323) 596-7372
Angelus Bible Institute
1115 Lemoyne St. Los Angeles CA 90026